2024 registration is now closed. Check back soon for schedule and map.


We’re taking our hat out of the matchmaking ring this year and leaving it up to y’all to carpe your own diems and manifest your own destinies. So what does this mean?

We will no longer be connecting potential performers with potential hosts. It’s up to you to find each other. When you do, be sure your host fills out the signup form (binghamtonporchfest.com/host) before registration closes on July 22.

Hosts (not performers) can sign up their porches and indicate up to three bands they plan to host. Hosts should be prepared to provide both the name and contact email of each band when signing up. We’ll shoot a confirmation email out to both the host and performer, along with a form that performers can use to provide extra info like genre, a short bio, and most importantly, a place to notate any members playing in multiple bands throughout the day. 

If you want to perform but can’t find anybody to host you, or if you want to host but don’t know any performers, we’ve introduced a facebook group and a digital bulletin board to help you facilitate amongst yourselves. Interested bands can post availability here and interested hosts can see a list of available bands here.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: We will still be scheduling time slots on our end and will not be accepting requests for particular time-slots. Hosts and performers should free their schedules for the entirety of the afternoon. Even with all these changes to the process, it is a massively stressful and nearly impossible undertaking to schedule upwards of 150 bands while taking into account pedestrian safety, sound bleed, bands with multiple members in multiple bands. We trust that you understand that no special requests will be honored.

LESS IMPORTANT NOTE: We use the terms “porch” and “band” very loosely. Stoops, driveways, and front yards are all acceptable, as are solo musicians, dance troupes, juggling unicyclists and puppet theater.

WHY ARE YOU MAKING ALL THESE CHANGES? YOU HAD A GOOD THING GOING AND I HATE CHANGE! Baby. Cute baby. New baby. Crying baby. No sleep. No patience. No bandwidth. This is how we do it now. Send coffee.


  • Confirm that you live within (or very near to) the festival footprint: roughly, the area between Riverside Drive, Beethoven Street, Laurel Avenue, and Recreation Park (the Abel Bennett Historic Tract)

  • Talk to your neighbors before you sign up. Porchfest only exists if the neighborhood wants it to exist - our future is directly reliant on community goodwill. Please talk to your neighbors if you are considering hosting performances at Porchfest and take their wishes into consideration when signing up. 

  • Three band maximum per address. We understand this is an annoying change for those of you who’ve traditionally hosted four bands. This is a great opportunity to convince your neighbors to get involved and host a band or two!

  • We will still be scheduling time slots on our end and will not be accepting requests for particular time-slots. Hosts and performers should free their schedules for the entirety of the afternoon.

  • If you rent your home, ask for permission from your landlord before you register - we will need the homeowner’s consent when applying for our final permits.

  • Plan to be present. We do ask that hosts remain onsite during performances at their homes.

  • If you plan on hosting please be prepared to provide trash/recycling receptacles in your front yard.

  • Some hosts choose to go all out, elaborately decorating their porches and yards, inviting friends over for private backyard barbeques, or offering water to festivalgoers. Some folks keep it simple and just host an acoustic act in their front yard. All forms of participation are welcome! We’re here to provide the framework, but the goodwill and creativity that makes Binghamton Porchfest so special is up to you!

  • Remember, selling food is a highly regulated industry that requires proper licensing. Operating an illegal restaurant in your front yard is a good way to get a very, very hefty fine from the Health Department and puts our ability to host this thing at risk. So don’t. 


  • All performances will be limited to 30 minute or 1 hour time slots. Bands will not be assigned multiple sets.

  • No more than three performances will be scheduled at any one address.

  • Performers that plan on performing in multiple bands through the day should plan to play no more than three sets, lets the house of cards that is the schedule come tumbling down. And drink some Gatorade while you’re at it. Hydration is no joke.

  • Porchfest is a low volume event. Another band will likely be performing a few doors down at the same time as you and this only works if we all share the neighborhood. We don’t care if you’re a Tuvan throat singing trio or a thrash metal band, music is music. We do care that you’re not audible more than two houses away from where you’re performing, so put some pillows in your drums, play with brushes, turn the amps down, play acoustic, do whatever you’ve got to do to be respectful to your fellow musicians.

  • Porchfest is a volunteer event. Performers are not paid for their time. Tip jars and merch sales are encouraged.

  • Porchfest is family-friendly. Your music needs to be, too.

  • This isn’t the day to DJ for the neighborhood. Unless it is. This is a sticky one. There’s a difference between playing music and playing music, you know? This isn’t the day to dust off the decks and share your record collection with the neighborhood. DJing can mean alot of things, though. If you’re making live original music with your setup, we welcome it as much as any other live music, just keep the volume down!

  • Performers are expected to take care of their own sound/equipment needs. Many find it beneficial to collaborate on backline setups.

  • Perform only at your scheduled time.